White Space, Black Lines: The Racialization of Free Verse Poetry in the Modernist Era. Under contract with University of North Carolina Press.
Journal Articles
“Whitewashing Poetic Form in Poetry Magazine,” Journal of Modern Periodical Studies, forthcoming.
“Editors’ Introduction: What’s Genre Got to Do (Got to Do) With It?” (with Ryan Tracy), “This is What Makes Us Girls”: Gender, Genre, and Popular Music, special issue of New American Notes Online, 2022.
“An Interview with Melissa A. Weber, Curator of the Hogan Archive of New Orleans Music and New Orleans Jazz at Tulane University” (with Ryan Tracy), “This is What Makes Us Girls”: Gender, Genre, and Popular Music, special issue of New American Notes Online, 2022.
“The Return of the Nineteenth Century,” Paideuma vol. 45, 2021, pp. 53–60.
“Free Verse, Historical Poetics, and Settler Time,” Historical Poetics, special issue of Literature Compass, vol. 17, no. 7, 2020.
“Editing America: Nationalism and the New Poetry,” Modernism/modernity, vol. 21, no. 4, 2014, pp. 899–918.
Book Chapters
“Unsettling Modernist Poetry,” Unsettling Poetry Pedagogy, edited by Caroline Gelmi and Elizabeth LeRud, forthcoming.
“Constructing Walt Whitman: Literary History and Histories of Rhythm,” Critical Rhythm, edited by Jonathan Culler and Ben Glaser, Fordham University Press, 2019, pp. 128–150.
“Counting with Crapsey,” Unsung Masters: Adelaide Crapsey, edited by Jenny Molberg and Christian Bancroft, Pleiades Press, 2018, pp. 166–183.
“The Georgian Poets and the Genteel Tradition” (with Meredith Martin), A Companion to Modernist Poetry, edited by David E. Chinitz and Gail McDonald, Wiley-Blackwell, 2014, pp. 199–208.
Reviews and Review Essays
“Fair Copy: Relational Poetics and Antebellum American Women’s Poetry by Jennifer Putzi (book review),” Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers, forthcoming.
“Four Approaches to Teaching Poetry,” College English, vol. 84, no. 3, 2022, pp. 291–300.
“Bodies and Books: Reading and the Fantasy of Communion in Nineteenth-Century America by Gillian Silverman (book review),” College Literature vol. 40, no. 1, 2013, pp. 142–144.